.. _payloadtype-com.apple.cellular: Cellular ======== :download:`Template <../_static/examples/com.apple.cellular.mobileconfig>` A cellular payload configures cellular network settings on the device. It is not supported on macOS. On iOS 7 and later, a cellular payload is designated by specifying **com.apple.cellular** as the PayloadType value. Cellular payloads have two important installation requirements: - No more than one cellular payload can be installed at any time. - A cellular payload cannot be installed if an APN payload is already installed. This payload replaces the com.apple.managedCarrier payload, which is supported, but deprecated. - Supersedes ``com.apple.apn.managed`` (APN) which is used on iOS 6 and earlier. - Supersedes ``com.apple.managedCarrier`` .. contents:: Summary ------- .. pfmheader:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.cellular manifest.plist Keys ---- .. pfmkey:: APNs /_static/manifests/com.apple.cellular manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: AttachAPN /_static/manifests/com.apple.cellular manifest.plist .. pfm:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.cellular manifest.plist :key: AttachAPN Links ----- - `Official Documentation `_.