.. _payloadtype-com.apple.mdm: MDM === This payload, when installed, will attempt to enroll the device into an MDM server. .. contents:: Summary ------- .. pfmheader:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist Keys ---- .. pfmkey:: IdentityCertificateUUID /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: Topic /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: ServerURL /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist Must begin with the https:// URL scheme, and may contain a port number (:1234, for example). .. pfmkey:: ServerCapabilities /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: SignMessage /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: CheckInURL /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: CheckOutWhenRemoved /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: AccessRights /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: UseDevelopmentAPNS /_static/manifests/com.apple.mdm manifest.plist Access Rights ------------- MDM Access Rights can be constructed from a bitmask by ORing the following values: - 1: Allow inspection of installed configuration profiles. - 2: Allow installation and removal of configuration profiles. - 4: Allow device lock and passcode removal. - 8: Allow device erase. - 16: Allow query of Device Information (device capacity, serial number). - 32: Allow query of Network Information (phone/SIM numbers, MAC addresses). - 64: Allow inspection of installed provisioning profiles. - 128: Allow installation and removal of provisioning profiles. - 256: Allow inspection of installed applications. - 512: Allow restriction-related queries. - 1024: Allow security-related queries. - 2048: Allow manipulation of settings. Availability: Available in iOS 5.0 and later. Available in OS X 10.9 for certain commands. - 4096: Allow app management. Availability: Available in iOS 5.0 and later. Available in OS X 10.9 for certain commands. May not be zero. If 2 is specified, 1 must also be specified. If 128 is specified, 64 must also be specified. Links ----- - `Structure of MDM Payloads `_.