.. _payloadtype-com.apple.ManagedClient.preferences: Legacy Custom Settings (MCX) ============================ This payload is the old, MCX style way to apply custom settings. It respects some of the semantics of ``Set-Once`` from the OS X 10.6 era. This is a catch-all payload for writing defaults in any given preference domain. It is the macOS equivalent of :ref:`payloadtype-com.apple.defaults.managed`. .. contents:: Summary ------- .. pfmheader:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.ManagedClient.preferences manifest.plist Keys ---- .. pfmkey:: PayloadContent /_static/manifests/com.apple.ManagedClient.preferences manifest.plist PayloadContent Keys """"""""""""""""""" .. pfm:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.ManagedClient.preferences manifest.plist :key: PayloadContent:PreferenceDomainHere