.. _payloadtype-com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed: 802.1x Ethernet Payload ======================= .. figure:: /_static/ProfileManifests/Icons/ManifestsApple/com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed.png :align: right :figwidth: 200px :download:`Template <../_static/examples/com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed.mobileconfig>` The 802.1x Ethernet payload is designated by specifying one of the following as the PayloadType value: - com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed [default] - com.apple.firstethernet.managed - com.apple.secondactiveethernet.managed - com.apple.secondethernet.managed - com.apple.thirdactiveethernet.managed - com.apple.thirdethernet.managed - com.apple.globalethernet.managed (10.13) Payloads with **active** in their name apply to Ethernet interfaces that are working at the time of profile installation. If there is no active Ethernet interface working, the ``com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed`` payload will configure the interface with the highest service order priority. Payloads without **active** in the name apply to Ethernet interfaces according to service order regardless of whether the interface is working or not. .. warning:: If you change the active ethernet interface after the profile is installed, it will not apply to the newly active interface. .. contents:: Summary ------- .. pfmheader:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed manifest.plist .. pfm:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.firstactiveethernet.managed manifest.plist