.. _payloadtype-com.apple.security.firewall: Firewall ======== .. figure:: /_static/ProfileManifests/Icons/ManifestsApple/com.apple.security.firewall.png :align: right :figwidth: 200px :download:`Template <../_static/examples/com.apple.security.firewall.mobileconfig>` Available in macOS 10.12 and later. A Firewall payload manages the Application Firewall settings accessible in the Security Preferences pane. Note these restrictions: - The payload must exist in a system-scoped profile. - If more than one profile contains this payload, the most restrictive union of settings will be used. .. warning:: Apple claims that: The "Automatically allow signed downloaded software" and "Automatically allow built-in software" options are not supported, but both will be forced **ON** when this payload is present. However those options are not changed when the payload is installed. Only the UI is greyed out. .. contents:: Summary ------- .. pfmheader:: /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist Keys ---- .. pfmkey:: EnableFirewall /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: BlockAllIncoming /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: EnableStealthMode /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: Applications /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist Each item in the applications list contains these keys: .. pfmkey:: Applications:ApplicationItem:BundleID /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist .. pfmkey:: Applications:ApplicationItem:Allowed /_static/manifests/com.apple.security.firewall manifest.plist