Extended Manifest Format

The manifest format covers most of the required information for writing configuration profiles, except for a few cases.

The following is a description of keys added to the manifest format by the community as a working standard.

See Also, erikberglunds extended format: `https://github.com/erikberglund/ProfileManifests/wiki/Manifest-Format`_.

Extended Keys


Version of macOS that started supporting the key or payload.


Version of macOS that stopped supporting the key or payload.


Version of iOS that started supporting the key or payload.


Version of iOS that stopped supporting the key or payload.


Version of tvOS that started supporting the key or payload.


Version of tvOS that stopped supporting the key or payload.


Bool true/false, requires device to be supervised for this setting to work. Additionally, we will interpret this to mean that UAMDM is required for macOS.


Suggest using the pfm_target_conditions dictionaries to specify rules about how this key or payload is incompatible with the other payload or key. Usually this would happen when one payload becomes superseded by another, and installing both results in undefined behaviour.

There’s currently no way to reference other manifests so there might need to be a pfm_target_domain key to match a domain in another manifest.


To add a note that requires special attention about the current payload I.E a warning about the payload behaviour.

Extended Manifest Format

The following keys are used to extend the manifest format to describe settings and situations not covered by the original set of keys.

Key Type Payload Key Description
pfm_allowed_file_types Array of Strings False True File extensions or UTIs allowed when using a file as value for a Data key.