System Migration


System migration occurs when items are transferred to a macOS device from a Windows device by reading source and destination path pairs from plist files. This payload provides a way to customize those transfers.

This payload must be single and exist only in a device profile. If the payload is present in a user profile, an error will be generated during installation and the profile will fail to install.

Supervised Only:
macOS Deprecated:
iOS Deprecated:N/A



CustomBehaviour contains an array of dicts conforming to the following specification:

Name Type Title Description Required
Context string Context The context to which custom paths apply. always
Paths array Paths The custom paths to be migrated from a source system to a target system. always


Paths contains an array of dicts conforming to the following specification:

Name Type Title Description Required
SourcePath string Source Path The path to the migrating file or directory on the source system. always
SourcePathInUserHome boolean Source Path In User Home If true, the source path is located within a user home directory. always
TargetPath string Target Path The path to the destination file or directory on the target system. always
TargetPathInUserHome boolean Target Path In User Home If true, the target path is located within a user home directory. always