Microsoft Outlook


Name Type Title Description Required
SignInOptions integer n/a Prevent user from signing in to any O365 service. n/a
SendASmileEnabled boolean n/a Disable the “Smile” feature. n/a
TrustO365AutodiscoverRedirect boolean n/a Suppress the Office 365 AutoDiscover redirect warning. n/a
SendAllTelemetryEnabled boolean n/a Set to false to send minimal heartbeat data, no application usage, and no environment details. n/a
kFRETelemetryConsentKey boolean n/a Disable the “Connected Services” screen when updating from pre-16.13. (MSA-based accounts). n/a
kFREEnterpriseTelemetryInfoKey boolean n/a Disable the “Connected Services” screen when updating from pre-16.13. (OrgID accounts). n/a
kSubUIAppCompletedFirstRunSetup1507 boolean n/a Disable the “What’s New” dialog and Office 365 activation prompt on first launch. n/a
FirstRunExperienceCompletedO15 boolean n/a Disable the offer to import mailbox or setup an email account. n/a
HideFoldersOnMyComputerRootInFolderList boolean n/a Hides the “On My Computer” folder. n/a
OUIWhatsNewShownItemIds array n/a Array of sequential ints to disable the “What’s New” dialog on first lauch after upgrades. n/a
AutomaticallyDownloadExternalContent integer n/a Download of pictures in the reading panel. n/a
DisableModernAuth boolean n/a Disable Modern Authentication connections from Outlook. n/a
o365GroupsOobePromoTriggeredPref boolean n/a Disable promotion dialog in the links column. n/a
googlePromoTriggeredPref boolean n/a Disable promotion dialog about adding Google Contacts/Calendar. n/a
OverrideAccountConfigurationWindow boolean n/a Disable account configuration window when the profile is empty. n/a
DisableImport boolean n/a Disable import of PSTs, Identities and OLMs. n/a
DisableExport boolean n/a Disable export mail from Outlook. n/a
DefaultEmailAddressOrDomain string n/a Full email address or just the domain. Formatting for the domain would be [second-level domain].[top level-domain] — this will take the alias/username from the activation email address and place with the domain entered in this pref key. For configuring O365 mailboxes. n/a
PII_And_Intelligent_Services_Preference boolean n/a Disable the “Use Intelligent Services?” pop-up dialog when updating from pre-16.17. n/a
kFREIntelligenceServicesConsentV2Key boolean n/a Disable the “Use Intelligent Services?” pop-up dialog when updating from pre-16.17. n/a
SendCrashReportsEvenWithTelemetryDisabled boolean n/a Sends crash reports even if telemetry is disabled. n/a